Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Sally is now 8 months old. She is so different from her older sister Laney. I love to see how each girl has her very own personality, even at such a young age.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Sophie & her dad have always been close. So we decided to capture that closeness in this session. Sophie seems to be maturing and growing up right before our eyes. She is definitely a little princess. And she gets to go to a party with the "real" princess in Disneyland this week. What a fun birthday!


My what a difference a year makes! Ian really matured from last year when I photographed him. His dad was one of my son's favorite teachers in college. I am so fortunate to get to watch these kids grow up!


This was Sabriah's first time to come to Smalley's. She is amazing for an 8 year old. Her summer is very busy. She and her mom volunteer once a week at a nursing home. I really enjoyed getting to know them.

Samuel is 9 months old!

It's amazing how time is flying! I am behind of posting to my blog. The sessions lately have been great and these kids are growing like weeds.

Samuel is getting teeth and just can't help but smile when you look at him. His sessions always go way to fast and we have way too many from which to choose. Here are a few.